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Our research groups and researchers



The Uniautónoma del Cauca currently has nine (9) research groups, of which eight (8) are duly recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia. The aforementioned groups are made up of aboutapproximately twenty-four (24) professors categorized and recognized as researchers by the same Ministry, developing innovation activities in different areas of knowledge such as: new knowledge, technological development and innovation,  and the creation of patents, among others.

 The research groups have different scopes and lines of research, among which are as follows:

1.     Technology and Environment Research Group (GITA). Category B Minciencias (call 894 of 2021). Research Lines: Environmental Management - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Comprehensive Risk Management - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Integral Management of Water Resources (MIRH) - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Renewable and Alternative Energy (ERA) - Electronic Engineering - Environmental Engineering and Sanitary, Advanced Perception and Robotics - Electronic Engineering - Systems Engineering, Software Engineering - Electronic Engineering - Systems Engineering.

2.     Interdisciplinary Research Group in Social and Human Sciences (GIICSH). Category A Minciencias (call 894 of 2021) Lines of Research: Development, Entrepreneurship and Society - Business Administration - Finance and International Business - Public Accounting, Public and Private Law - Law, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Didactics - Degree in Education for the First Childhood, Sports Training and Physical Activity - Sports Training, Evolution, Society and Technology - All programs of the group.

3.     Systematics and Conservation Studies Group - GESC. Category B Minisciences (call 894 of 2021) Research Lines: Biodiversity and conservation of Fauna - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Bioindicators of water quality - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Bioindicators of habitat quality - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Bioremediation - Environmental Engineering and Sanitary, Taxonomy of insects - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, Treatment of Fish Effluents - Environmental and Sanitary Engineering.

4.     Interdisciplinary Research Group in Science and Engineering (GIICI). Category C Minisciences (call 894 of 2021) Micro and Nano-Science Research Lines - Systems Engineering/ / Electronic Engineering, Complex Systems - Systems Engineering/ / Environmental and Health Engineering, Administration and Scientific Knowledge Foresight.

5.     Research Group in Legal, Political and Social Studies - GIEJPSO. Category C Minciencias (call 894 of 2021) Research lines of the Group: Constitutionalism and Neo-Constitutionalism, Human Rights, Gender and Contemporary Conflicts, Government and Public Policies, Criminal Studies and Criminology, Labor and Social Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law and Responsibility Theories.

6.     Management, Development and Society Research Group. Category C Minciencias (call 894 of 2021). Research lines: a. Innovation, entrepreneurship, b. Organizational studies, c. Public and corporate finance, d. Financial economics, e. Financial theory, f. Sustainable development.

7.     MEDES RESEARCH GROUP. Category C Minciencias (call 894 of 2021) Research Group in Mathematics and Statistics for Sustainable Development - MEDES. Academic programs of the institution with which it is associated: Applied Mathematics and Data Science, Software Engineering and Computing.

8.     SPORTS AND HUMAN MOVEMENT RESEARCH GROUP - GIDEMO. Category C Minisciences (call 894 of 2021) Research areas: Sports Training -Planning of training Comprehensive assessment in the athlete Adapted sports Biotechnology applied to sports, Sport and Physical activity as a social political medium - Comprehensive health Education Social integration, civic behavior and peace activity Inclusive physics Recreation and free time, Current trends in physical activity Usable technology - Alternative sports Group training, Physical conditioning - Adapted physical conditioning Competitive physical conditioning.

9.     Institutionally recognized ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION RESEARCH GROUP (GISA) . Research lines: water treatment, soil and solid waste pollution, prevention and control of air pollution.