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Institutional scientific journals



For the Vice-Rectory of Research of the Uniautónoma del Cauca, it is of great importance to share with the academic community this space of dissemination of research productivity, generated from each of the Faculties and academic programs of the Institution, thanks to the determined commitment of the professors who day by day make possible the exercise of visibility of their work and research projects, through the institutional journals created for this purpose.

In addition, as a result of this process, the Vicevice-rectory has advanced, with the support of institutional research actors, the fulfillment of the minimum indicators required for the indexing of its scientific journals. This is how the communication of what to do research is achieved, not only through indexed publications already recognized in other national and international spheres, but also through the spaces of publication of the research work that in the agendas of the students. Researchers position this institution as a reference beacon for the region.

In the midst of the urgent needs that today are demanded of the centers of high professional training, the main challenge and even the greatest distinction and recognition for universities, is the research rigor that will make it possible for these spaces to be more thatthan a training scenario, one of generation of skills necessary for innovation and the contribution of new knowledge.

In this case, the institution has two (2) journals of high investigative impact, one of them: “ Journal “Journal of Science and Engineering” . of open access based on the principle of offering the public free access to research, helping a greater global exchange of knowledge, promoting freedom, the development of our countries and facilitating access and dissemination of science.

Within its topics, there are scientific and technological articles in the fields of: Engineering engineering (all branches), Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Complex Systemsphysics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, astrophysics, and complex systems, as well as interdisciplinary areas with physico-mathematical components.

 "On the other hand, there is the journal" " Nuevo Foro Autónomo" " , whose objective is the publication and dissemination of research results in the area of Social Sciencessocial sciences, especially in topics of legal and sociolsocio-legal interest linked to other fields such as Political Science." , Sociology, Economics, International Relationspolitical science.",  , sociology, economics, international relations and other disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of knowledge. It adopts a policy based on the principle of free access to research, promoting global exchange of knowledge and the promotion of scientific culture.

The publication is aimed at specialized academic communities, research groups and researchers interested in publishing the results of research on the topics presented by the journal.

Alliances to strengthen research

The Uniautónoma del Cauca in its process of consolidation and permanent growth to accompany the institutional research processes, during the year 2021, managed to agree an important alliance with the most important union in the country in support of technological tools for the implementation of high-quality research. quality.

This alliance has been achieved with the Colombian Consortium , through which various benefits can be obtained for the research exercise of each of the university levels, in aspects such as: Thethe use of databases of the most important publishing houses in the world. , including Web Of Science.

Likewise, having accompanying tools at hand for the publication of research articles in indexed journals of the highest level. Among these and other benefits can be had in favor of the research activity of teachers and students of the Uniautónoma del Cauca and with it the achievement of the purposes for the best quality in the research processes for the city, the region and the country. 

Invention patents

On November 19, 2020, the Uniautónoma del Cauca received notification about the acceptance of the Invention Patent, recognized by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia, through Resolution No. 67556 of October 26, 2020, for the creation entitled: “Electromechanical System for the Counting and Classification of Alevinos” , a research work carried out by professors Julio Mosquera Bolaños, Julián Andrés Caicedo Muñoz, Daniel Rodrigo Ortega Alegría and Carlos Felipe López Córdoba, in their capacity as inventors. Likewise, recognizingwe recognize our institution as the owner of the PATENT, with a validity until the year 2039.

The “Electromechanical System for the Counting and Classification of Fingerling Fish” is based on technological research to solve a problem in the region: “it is a system that decreases counting and classification times (and the mortality rate of fish), processes that fish farmers do every 15 days. As the trout fry are carnivorous, the fish farmer must separate the fry from the other species, taking more or less two days in a full day with 4 or up to 5 people, through the system they can be classified depending on their size and at the same time count them. to control and trace mortality, as well as growth ”growth”, explained researcher Julio Mosquera.

The Uniautónoma del Cauca, in its process of consolidation and permanent strengthening of a research policy with concrete results in solving problems of society in the region and the Department of Cauca, has continued to create research products that help. in a practical way to the community in its production and entrepreneurship activities. This is the reason why, from the research groups and with the leadership of the professors assigned to them, the construction of industrial prototypes, and pilot plants, among other important numbers of technological development and innovation products, has been oriented for some time. , with which a timely response has been given to the generation not only of new knowledge, but also of the necessary impact of university research on society.

Undoubtedly, with this recognition, the Uniautónoma del Cauca becomes part of the group of Higher Education Institutions of Colombia that generate innovation products, contributing to the real transformation of the productive sector of the communities of the Department of Cauca and those who carry out activities. of commercial entrepreneurship in the matter of fingerlings and their economic derivatives in the market.